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Annual Dinner 2023 booklet
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GPS Technology in Structure Deformation Monitoring


Chartered Institution of Civil Engineering Surveyors (H. K. Region)
Land Surveying & Geo-Informatics Alumni Association (LSGIAA)
Department of Land Surveying and Geo-Informatics (LSGI)




Mr. Kelvin Chan


Mr. Chan is the Senior Project Engineer for Euroasia Enterprises ltd, Certified Trimble engineer for over 10 yrs.

He received his BSc from the HK Polytechnic University in 2001 and he is responding to Kau Yee Chau Beacon GPS Station of survey boat equips supplier of marine dept since 1996, Infrastructure CORS with VRS system and Integrity Monitoring of SatRef System of Lands dept Geodetic section.

Every day, reference stations are exposed to environmental conditions that could have a significant impact on the accuracy of network corrections. Consider how tectonic movement, subsidence, or even weather might physically change the position of a reference station.
• How will you know if a station has moved or is moving?
• How long would it take to identify a problem?
• How many surveys would be affected before it is detected?


GPS monitoring system is a proven solution for real-time monitoring of the infrastructure no matter what size the object.

The Latest system seamlessly works with GPS or GNSS hardware allowing project inspector to create a

customized monitoring solution.

You can't stop objects from moving — but you can stay informed when they do — because you'll receive an alarm

when any movement occurs.

Please email the reply form to lsckliu@yahoo.com.hk for registration.

All members and guests are welcome and the number of participants is limited to 80. Participants will be accepted on a first come first served basis. For enquiries, please contact Mr. LIU Chun Kit (Tel: 852-9589-8288) or email to: lsckliu@yahoo.com.hk

日期 : 2010-06-21
開始時間 : 19:00
完成時間 : 20:30
截止日期 : 2010-06-14
活動地址 : Room Y303, The HK Polytechnic University
Flyer : [PDF]